

A bear by name, not by nature

Víkingur 100 ára

zondag, mei 23, 2004

Blaðamenn í Bandaríkjunum

Blaðamenn sem ætla til Bandaríkjanna ættu að muna eftir að sækja um sérstakt 'journalist visa'. Annars getur farið illa:
...I spent 26 hours as a detainee. My only view of the city was framed by the metal bars on the security van transporting me, in handcuffs, from Los Angeles International Airport to a detention facility.
...Inadvertently, I had arrived on American soil as a foreign journalist without a press visa, a requirement that has been on the books for years but is being enforced now under the strict guidelines of the Department of Homeland Security.
...(Only countries like Cuba, Syria, Iran and North Korea demand that journalists apply for special visas.)

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