

A bear by name, not by nature

Víkingur 100 ára

zaterdag, augustus 30, 2003

Skelfilegt að gera jafntefli við Stjörnuna í gær. Erum enn í 2. sæti en erfitt verður það. Það er alltíeinu komin stemming í Víkinga á pöllunum! Synd ef við fáum ekki tækifæri til að reyna okkur í efstu deild.
Fór á undan Stjörnuleiknum upp í Austurberg og sá fyrri hálfleikinn í Víkingur-Magdeburg, gaman að sjá fjölda á pöllunum og smá stemmingu, vel uppbyggt mót. Magdeburg var auðvitað að leika á hálfum hraða og með vinstri, en engu að síður, þegar Víkingur breytti stöðunni úr 5-7 í 7-7 og áhorfendur tóku aðeins við sér, þá lyngdi maður augunum aftur rétt sem snöggvast og ímyndaði sér að þetta væri alvöru Evrópuleikur...
Vikan í vinnunni búin að vera soltið hektísk, og ekki laust við að helgin verði það líka. Skírn í dag, barnaafmæli á morgun. Frænka mín varð eins árs, og mér skilst ég verði eini fullorðni gesturinn sem ekki er með barn með mér. Eins gott ég þarf ekki að fá lánað!

dinsdag, augustus 26, 2003

Kemst ég á molana?

Nú er spurning. Þetta sniðmát mitt var ekki alveg að gera sig. Vona að þetta sé rétt

zaterdag, augustus 23, 2003

Three points in the bag. Christiano came on with 13 minutes to go and had a fairly quiet match with the occasional flashy move. Good result.

In about three hours + 60 minutes of playing time, at a guess, which makes four and a half hours, Christiano Ronaldo will come on for Manchester United against Newcastle United. *anticipate*

woensdag, augustus 20, 2003

Wow. We managed to beat 'em. 2-1. Awful match. Must do much better against the Germans.

If Iceland fucks up yet again and manages to lose 1-2 to the Faroe Islands, I'll win 8 bottles of red wine. Match starts in four minutes time.

dinsdag, augustus 19, 2003

So, they ask me, what's going on? And I say nothing, for that is the truth. I work, I read a lot, and I spend too much time on the 'net. At the expense of watching television. Either way it sure beats the heck out of knitting mittens and socks, as was the traditional evening (albeit mostly in winter) pastime of Icelanders for centuries.
I guess I shall have to look forward to my next holiday. San Fransisco in November. Yay.
Should have gone to see a pre-season handball match this evening. Didn't. Sue me.

zondag, augustus 10, 2003

Hardly did anything over the weekend that I'd planned. Apart from reading. The booklist has been updated with those I finished in the UK.
Went to see Pirates of the Carribbean yesterday. Great fun. Watched the Committments for the first time in what... 12 years? More fun. Have just had pizza and a Stella for dinner, and some tiny sips of the whiskys I got in the Duty Free returnin in June. Macallan's 20s and 30s style whiskies. This last time i got a Distiller's version of Talisker, which I've yet to try.
All in, a relaxing weekend of doing mostly nothing.

donderdag, augustus 07, 2003

Right. Been away for too long. What happened? Well, work. And laziness. And this weekend I spent in a field in England. I took a few photos.
Tonight I'm just back from seeing Víkingur beat HK 3-2. Last minute winning goal, but we so deserved that.